Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Nana Kwame Adjej-Brenyah - Friday Black (Quercus, 2018) **½

"Friday Black" is a collection of short stories by the young author American author Nana Kwame Adjej-Brenyah, and his first publication.

His stories are about violence, racism, injustice and the impossibility to get out of a bad situation. People are vicious to each other without reason, and regardless of their story and context, realistic or fantasy, their situation is depressing and almost without perspective.

Nana Kwame Adjej-Brenyah is creative with his bizarre plots, and he manages to create unique perspectives in telling them, often by a lead character who is also out of the ordinary. At the same time, his style is often too artificial, enjoying his writing skills too much and not always very congruent with the content of what he is writing about.

He has talent. He will persevere. He will define his own voice. He has all the qualities. His future books are almost guaranteed to be better.

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